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Public Law & Regulation

The economic activities of companies are regulated in many ways: Provisions of environmental and economic administrative law, which are increasingly determined by European Community law, contain detailed requirements for entrepreneurial action. The success of a company is therefore dependent to no small extent on the legally compliant handling of government regulations.

SZA Schilling Zutt & Anschütz covers a broad range of public law matters. In environmental law, for example, the practice focuses on substance law (including chemicals, crop protection and biocide law), REACH, and on recycling and waste management law (e.g. the Packaging Ordinance).

SZA Schilling Zutt & Anschütz's advice on public economic law includes subsidy law, public procurement and municipal commercial law.

Other focus areas of our public law practice include issues of European law, constitutional law and building law (e.g. support in the approval of building projects).

Service spectrum

  • Economic administrative law
  • Environmental law
  • Building law
  • State aid and subsidy law
  • Public procurement law
  • European and constitutional law
  • Municipal commercial law
  • Public law support for M&A transactions

Experts for „Public Law & Regulation“