Dr. Dietrich F. R. Stiller
Dietrich advises clients in the areas of banking and finance law, privatizations and cross-border investments.
In particular, Dietrich specialises in banking law and corporate finance including national and international project finance, BOT structures as well as in export finance and in the refinancing of distressed enterprises.
He advises enterprises, sponsors, project companies and banks in a wide range of finance transactions. Alongside conventional corporate finance this also includes project finance, e.g. in the areas of renewable energies, conventional power plants, pipelines or airports, other transport infrastructure, telecommunication or industrial facilities. Many of those finance transactions are transnational and involve ECA or other guarantees of the German federal government, foreign export credit agencies (ECAs) or multinational institutions – also taking into account German and international sanctions. Legal advice in relationship to international projects furthermore includes the prevention of events of loss, or the mitigation of events of loss as well as legal support in case of actual or imminent expropriations, including legal advice in related arbitration proceedings.
- Foreign investors on the financing of airport projects in the Philippines, in India and in Russia
- An international bank in relation to an equity investment into a project in the hospitality sector in Russia
- A foreign investor in relation to the restructuring of the financing of a toll road project in Germany
- An English investor in relation to the financing of a commercial complex in Germany
- Banks and foreign investors in relation to the project financing of wind energy projects (onshore) in Germany, Greece, Quebec and Ontario
- A bank in relation to the restructuring of the financing of a wind energy project (offshore) in the German EEZ
- A German bank in relation to the financing of a portfolio of nine (9) PV projects and wind projects in France
- A consortium of German banks in relation to the project financing of several biogas facilities in Germany
- A consortium of German and Austrian banks in relation to the project financing of a sodium hypochlorite facility in Moscow
- A consortium of German and Austrian banks in relation to the project financing of a waste to energy facility in Moscow
- A foreign bank in relation to German ECA cover for power projects in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh
- A consortium of international banks and ECAs in relation to the financing of a submarine pipeline in the Baltic Sea
- A foreign bank in relation to funded subparticipations with respect to facilities supported by buyer credit guarantees (FKG), and in relation to securitisation guarantees supporting such subparticipations
- A consortium of German banks in relation to the financing of a vehicle inspection service in Turkey supported by a Government investment guarantee
- An SME finance bank in relation to export finance agreements in several jurisdictions
- A borrower in relation to the refinancing of its bank and capital markets debt to three consortia of banks and other lenders groups in thecontext of the German Economic Stimulus package in 16 jurisdictions
- A borrower in relation to the financing of R&D activities via a loan granted by European Investment Bank's EFSI Fund
- A consortium of international banks in relation to the restructuring of a German PPP in the health care sector
- Sprache und Schrift Koreas. - 1984. In: 100 Jahre deutsch-koreanische Beziehungen, Vorträge - Kontakte - Diskussionen (series of Deutsch-Koreanischen Gesellschaft e.V., Bonn), 1984, p. 69 - 94
- Recht der Ausländer in Korea (Rep.). In: Rechtsinformation der Bundesstelle für Außenhandelsinformation, Berichte und Dokumente zum ausländischen Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht, 1984, No. 178
- Das internationale Zivilprozeßrecht der Republik Korea, Studien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht, vol. 19 Tübingen: Verlag J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1989 (dissertation)
- Länderbericht Korea. - 1990. In: Bülow/Böckstiegel/Geimer/Schütze, Internationaler Rechtsverkehr; 12. Erg.-Lfg. (June 1990)
- Unternehmensakquisition in den neuen Bundesländern. In: Zeitschrift der Deutsch-Koreanischen Juristischen Gesellschaft e.V.; 1994; 1st edition, p. 197-214
- Exposé zum koreanischen Staatshaftungsgesetz. In: Zeitschrift der Deutsch-Koreanischen Juristischen Gesellschaft e.V.; 1994; 1st edition, p. 215 - 230
- Privatisierung und Restitution (Rückgabe) in den neuen Bundesländern. In: Sikora (ed.): Vermögensbildung in Arbeitnehmerhand, 1994, (reprint of a presentation at Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung)
- Agreement on International Jurisdiction. In: Gug’je Sa’beob Yeon’gu, No. 2, 1997, p. 353-375
- Gug'je Jae'pan Gwan'hal Hab'eui (Agreement on International Jurisdiction). In: Gug’je Sa’beob Yeon’gu, No. 2, 1997, p. 377-398
- Das neue indonesische Gesetz über Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung. In: RIW, 1997, p. 564-570 (with Jörg Sommer)
- Grundzüge des Auslandsinvestitionsrechts in Indonesien. In: RIW, 1998, p. 35-41 (with Jörg Sommer)
- Ausländische Investitionen in der Republik Korea nach dem neuen Foreign Investment Promotion Act. In: RIW, 1999, p. 283-290
- Länderabschnitte § 39 Indonesien (p. 1883 - 1907) and § 40 Korea (p. 1909 - 1939) in: Semler/Volhard: Arbeitshandbuch für Unternehmensübernahmen, vol. 1: Unternehmensübernahme Vorbereitung - Durchführung - Folgen, Ausgewählte Drittländer. Verlag C.H. Beck, 2001, (with Matthias Schleicher)
- Implikasi Hukum Bagi Perdagangan dan Penanaman Modal Asing Di Indonesia (Legal implications for trade and foreign investments in Indonesia) (reprint of a presentation at Technogerma, Jakarta, March 1999), 30 pages
- Länderbericht Korea. - 2003. In: Bülow/Böckstiegel/Geimer/Schütze, Internationaler Rechtsverkehr; 25. Erg.-Lfg. 2003 (with Matthias Schleicher)
- Projektdurchführung und Projektüberwachung. In: Siebel/Röver/Knütel, Rechtshandbuch Projektfinanzierung und PPP, p. 845-897; 2nd amended and extended edition, Carl Heymanns Verlag, 2008, (with Klaus Minuth)
- Direktverträge mit Generalunternehmern in der Projektfinanzierung. In: Neue Zeitschrift für Bau- und Vergaberecht (NZBau), 2009, p. 574-578, (with Klaus Minuth)
- Assessing the development of airport concession models and financing in times of a financial crisis. In: Journal of Airport Management, April-June 2010 Volume 4 Number 3, page 226-234
- Political risks: How to effectively mitigate political risks, deal structure, financing and political risk insurance, in: Journal of Airport Management, Winter 2014-15 Volume 9 Number 2, page 133-143
- The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Lending & Secured Finance 2018, Chapter 47, p. 309 (with Dr. Andreas Herr) https://iclg.com/practice-areas/lending-and-secured-finance-laws-and-regulations/germany
- Getting the Deal through: Market Intelligence - Project Finance in Germany, März 2019, S. 62 ff., with Dr. Andreas Herr and Dr. Michael Cohen
- Chambers Global Practice Guide 2019: Project Finance, Law and Practice, Nov 2018, S. 3 ff., with Dr. Andreas Herr, Dr. Michael Cohen and Stefanie Zugelder
- Project Finance: The Trends and Challenges, In: Lawyer Monthly Magazine, August 2019, p. 98 f.
- Chambers Project Finance 2019 Second Edition, Law and Practice, Nov 2018, with Dr. Andreas Herr and Dr. Michael Cohen
- Chambers Project Finance 2019 V2 Guide, Law and Practice, Nov 2019, with Dr. Andreas Herr and Dr. Michael Cohen
- The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Lending & Secured Finance 2021, Germany, S. 287 ff., with Dr. Andreas Herr and Dr. Michael Maxim Cohen)
Education & Engagement
- Languages: German, English, Korean, Bahasa Indonesia