Tpirot sza ma 03 schumacher hires 002 87 A9810

Dr. Florian Schumacher

Florian advises in the areas of corporate law and real estate law.

His corporate law practice includes advising companies, shareholders and board members on all questions of corporate law as well as supporting corporate transactions (M&A) and restructuring. In real estate law, his focus is on construction and real estate development projects, including structuring and contract drafting. Florian advises investors, project developers and builders as well as municipalities, construction companies, architectural offices and other firms involved in real estate and construction projects. A significant part of his work concerns advice in disputed situations, for example in shareholder disputes and directors' liability cases as well as disputes in connection with construction and real estate projects. He regularly represents his clients in court and arbitration disputes.


  • Advising an energy supplier on various company acquisitions
  • Advising an energy supplier on the merger with another company from this industry
  • Advising and representing the shareholder of an international family business in corporate and inheritance disputes
  • Advising and representing a mechanical engineering company in court litigations regarding management liability claims
  • Advising and representing a rail transport company court litigations regarding management liability claims
  • Advising and representing a Dax 30 company in construction and real estate law matters and disputes, including the design and implementation of employee training courses in construction and architect law
  • Advising an investor on the construction of an automotive experience center for a car manufacturer and other projects on the Hockenheimring Formula 1 racing track
  • Advising a project developer on the construction and sale of several logistics centers by way of a forward deal with subsequent leasing
  • Advising a logistics company on the construction, sale and marketing of numerous logistics centers
  • Advising a stock listed chemical company on the construction of chemical production plants
  • Beratung eines Investors bei der Errichtung und Verpachtung eines Hotels
  • Beratung eines Immobilienentwicklers bei der Renovierung einer historischen Hotelimmobilie und der Strukturierung des Hotelbetriebs


  • "Von der Schweiz über Luxemburg nach Deutschland – Die Umwandlungsrichtlinie im Spiegel der Niederlassungsfreiheit", NZG 2024, 1171 et seqq. (with Alexander Urhahn)
  • "Europarechtswidrig – aber trotzdem verbindlich?", Immobilienmanager 1/2-2020, 14 et seqq.
  • "Mindesthonorare nach HOAI sind europarechtswidrig", Immobilienmanager 8/2019, 16 et seqq.
  • "Organhaftung und D&O-Versicherung im Schiedsverfahren", NZG 2016, 969 et seqq.
  • "Handelsrecht", 3. Edition 2018 (with Georg Bitter)
  • "Der GmbH-Vertrag", 4. Edition 2014 (with Jochem Reichert)
  • "Quo vadis, SPE - Auf dem Weg zu einer europäischen Gesellschaft nationalen Rechts?", GmbHR 2012, 682 et seqq. (with Jonas Stadtmüller)
  • "Zur Anwendbarkeit des § 31d WpHG auf Gewinnmargen im Finanzinstrumentenvertrieb", WM 2011, 678 et seqq.
  • "Provisionen im Finanzinstrumentenvertrieb durch Kreditinstitute - Die Zulässigkeitsschranken des § 31d WpHG", 2011
  • "Vertretung in Organsitzungen der Societas Europaea (SE)", NZG 2009, 697 et seqq.
  • "Rückvergütungszahlungen von Investmentgesellschaften an Kreditinstitute", BKR 2007, 447 et seqq.
  • "Wie einheitlich ist das Einheitliche UN-Kaufrecht tatsächlich?", DAJV-NL 2007, 90 et seqq. (with Marcel Barth)
  • "Cultural Clashes and Conflicting Ethics: The Professional Conduct of Attorneys in International Arbitration Practice", DAJV-NL 2007, 40 et seqq. (mit Marcel Barth)
  • "Kaufoptionsvertrag und Verwendungsrisiko im UN-Kaufrecht", IHR 2005, 147 et seqq.

Education & Engagement

  • Member of Institut für Baurecht Freiburg im Breisgau e.V. (IfBF)
  • Member of Gesellschaftsrechtliche Vereinigung (VGR)
  • Member of Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (DIS)


  • University of Freiburg (State exam)
  • Université Pierre Mendés France de Grenoble, Frankreich (Diplome d'Administration et Politique International)
  • University of Mannheim (Dr. jur.)
  • Specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law
  • Specialist lawyer for construction and architect law
  • Languages: German, English