Ilja Baudisch

Dr. Ilja Baudisch

Ilja advises on all aspects of banking and finance law, in particular on national and international corporate financings, acquisition financings, trade and export financings as well as financial restructurings.

Ilja is a proven financing expert with 14+ years of experience in all key areas of banking and finance law.

He focuses on advising companies, financial investors and lenders on domestic and cross-border financing transactions, in particular syndicated loans, promissory note loans and other corporate finance instruments as well as financings in connection with acquisitions, corporate legal measures or capital market transactions. This includes the legal assessment and structuring of ESG- and sustainability-related financing criteria. He further advises on trade and export financings as well as financial restructurings and insolvency law issues.

Ilja was most recently involved in a number of public takeover financings. Before joining SZA Schilling, Zutt & Anschütz, he practiced as a lawyer for a leading international law firm in Munich.


  • Schaeffler AG on the financing of the public tender offer for all outstanding shares of Vitesco Technologies Group AG*
  • J.P. Morgan in connection with the financing of the public tender offer of the investment company Silver Lake for Software AG*
  • Morgan Stanley regarding the arrangement of a bridge loan agreement to finance the acquisition of SimCorp A/S by Deutsche Börse AG*
  • A banking syndicate led by J.P. Morgan and Deutsche Bank on the EUR 7.9 billion financing for Porsche Holding SE to purchase shares in connection with the IPO of Porsche AG*
  • Special credit fund in connection with a complex reinsurance financing structure for an insurance company*
  • Mercedes-Benz Group AG to convert the existing EUR 11 billion revolving credit facility into a sustainability-linked loan*
  • The lenders in relation to the refinancing and increase of the syndicated financing for a listed solar technology company*
  • Steering committee of the banks on the restructuring of the syndicated financing of a German automotive supplier (after prior consultation in connection with the inclusion of an additional loan tranche from funds of the KfW program no. 855)*
  • IHO group on the refinancing of high-yield bonds and syndicated loans*
  • Debut promissory note transaction for a family-owned Dutch corporation*
  • A German owner-managed group on the closing and subsequent refinancing of a bridge financing in connection with the acquisition of a majority stake in Italy*
  • The lenders on a syndicated lease financing linked to various ESG criteria for a MDAX company*
  • Daimler AG in connection with the spin-off of the Daimler Truck division on the conclusion of a syndicated loan agreement in the amount of EUR 18 billion to cover the general financing needs of the new Daimler Truck Group*
  • Banking syndicate led by Commerzbank on the conclusion of an ESG-linked syndicated loan for Encavis AG*
  • Mandated lead arrangers led by Deutsche Bank and Landesbank Baden-Württemberg on a EUR 500 million syndicated loan for the Freudenberg Group*
  • Mandated lead arrangers on EUR 1 billion syndicated financing for CompuGroup Medical*
  • Financial investor in relation to the acquisition of a loan portfolio with real estate financings from a Federal government's winding-up institution*
  • * Mandates from the time before joining Schilling, Zutt & Anschütz


  • Sinnvoll finanzieren mit ESG-Krediten, FINANCE Sonderbeilage zur Structured Finance, 30.08.2023 [Link:]
  • Abzweiglinien (Ancillary Facilities) in Konsortialkreditverträgen, Euroforum Finanzwissen, 2/2015
  • Konsortialkredite in der Mittelstandsfinanzierung, Unternehmeredition, 4/2012 (gemeinsam mit Dr. Walter Uebelhoer)
  • Die Rechtsstellung des Unternehmens in grenzüberschreitenden Kartellverfahren - Zur Tragweite des Grundsatzes "ne bis in idem" im Kartellsanktionsrecht, FIW Bd. 224, Köln: Carl Heymanns Verlag, 2009
  • Lehren einer flexiblen Integrationspolitik - Das Verhältnis der Schweiz zur Europäischen Union, Integration 2007, S. 83-87 (gemeinsam mit Ann Gäbler)
  • Sanktionierung grenzüberschreitender Kartellsachverhalte: Die Rspr. der Gemeinschafts­gerichte zum Grundsatz "ne bis in idem", ELR 2007, S. 216-223
  • Zum Unternehmensbegriff des EG-Wettbewerbsrechts, ELR 2007, S. 20-23
  • Die Bedeutung der Verfahrensgrundrechte für die Bußgeldbemessung im europäischen Wettbewerbsrecht, ELR 2006, S. 368-373

Education & Engagement


  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
  • Universität St. Gallen (HSG), Dr. iur.
  • Languages: German, English, French