Dr. Steffen Henn
Steffen provides legal advice in all areas of intellectual property, IT-law and data protection law.
Since his start of his career as a lawyer in 2006 he has specialized in advising and representing national and international clients in trademark and unfair competition law, research and development agreements as well as data protection and IT-contracts. In addition, legal advice with regard to IP, IT and data protection issues of M&A transactions are a regular part of Steffen’s legal practice.
Handelsblatt Best Laywers 2022 names Steffen for the area of intellectual property law.
Steffen Henn is developing a good reputation in the IP market for his work on compensation issues in infringement cases as well as IP-related M&A deals. "He is responsive and I was very satisfied with every aspect of the work."
Client, Chambers Europe
- Chambers Global Practice Guide „Trade Marks & Copyright“ (2025), Kapitel „Germany – Law and Practice“ and „Germany – Trends and Developments” (with Thomas Nägele, Anke Hofmann, Serpil Dilbaz)
- §§ 97-106h MarkenG, in: Fezer Markenrecht – Kommentar zum Markengesetz (MarkenG) und zum Internationalen Markenrecht, der Pariser Verbandsübereinkunft (PVÜ) und des Madrider Markenabkommens (MMA), 5. Aufl., C.H. Beck 2023 (gemeinsam mit Thomas Nägele)
- Chambers Global Practice Guide „Trade Marks“ (2023), Kapitel „Germany – Law and Practice“ and „Germany – Trends and Developments” (with Thomas Nägele, Anke Hofmann, Serpil Dilbaz)
- Kommentierung der §§ 12, 13, 14 und 22 GeschGehG in: Brammsen/Apel, Geschäftsgeheimnisgesetz, 1. Auflage 2022
- Chambers Global Practice Guide „Trade Marks“ (2022), Kapitel „Germany – Law and Practice“ und „Germany – Trends and Developments” (with Thomas Nägele, Anke Hofmann, Serpil Dilbaz)
- Chambers Global Practice Guide „Trade Marks“ (2021), Kapitel „Germany – Law and Practice“ (with Thomas Nägele, Anke Hofmann, Alexander Stolz)
- Chambers Global Practice Guide „Trade Marks“ (2020), Kapitel „Germany – Law and Practice“ (with Thomas Nägele, Anke Hofmann, Alexander Stolz)
- Chambers Global Practice Guide „Trade Marks“ (2019), Kapitel „Germany – Law and Practice“ (with Thomas Nägele, Anke Hofmann, Alexander Stolz)
- Chambers Global Practice Guide „Trade Marks“ (2018), Kapitel „Germany – Law and Practice“ (with Thomas Nägele, Anke Hofmann, Alexander Stolz)
- Chambers Global Practice Guide "Trade Marks" (2017), S.121 – 139 (with Thomas Nägele, Simon Apel, Anke Fuchs)
- Der Drittauskunftsanspruch nach § 19 Abs. 2 MarkenG – Ein Plädoyer für eine restriktive Auslegung, MarkenR 2016, S. 345–352 (with Simon Apel)
- Automatisch generierte Bestätigungs-E-Mails als unerlaubte Werbung? Zugleich Kommentar zu BGH, 15.12.2015 – VI ZR 134/15 […], Kommunikation und Recht (K&R) 2016, S. 236–239 (with Simon Apel)
- »Markenschutz und UWG«, in: Mannheimer Schriften zum Unternehmensrecht, Bd. 10, Baden-Baden 2009
Education & Engagement
- Member of DRGI (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik e.V.)
- Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Geistiges Eigentum an der Universität Mannheim e.V. (IZG)
- German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR)
- University of Bayreuth (Wirtschaftsjurist)
- University of Birmingham
- Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
- Languages: German, English, Spanish