
Dr. Justin Friedrich Krahé, LL.B. (UCL)

Justin focuses on resolving complex commercial disputes with a significant cross-border element and/or for clients seated in foreign, particularly common law, jurisdictions.

As a dual-qualified English solicitor and German Rechtsanwalt, Justin is at ease navigating different legal environments and traditions to resolve disputes effectively. His fluency in French and Russian, combined with extensive experience in both private and public international law, allow him to react in a context-sensitive way to challenging environments and develop custom-tailored solutions to meet clients’ needs. Justin’s recent work includes disputes in heavily regulated industries, including pharmaceuticals supply chains and environmental litigation, although he is also experienced in arbitration under various sets of rules and applicable laws. Justin also publishes widely on topics related to international and domestic arbitration, international civil procedure, public international law and international legal practice, typically with a comparative perspective.


  • Advising and representing an international sports manufacturer in distribution and competition law matters
  • Advising and representing an automotive company in numerous securities litigation matters in connection with claims for damages of investors concerning alleged violation of publication duties as well as representation in the respective KapMuG proceedings
  • Representing an EU state in proceedings under sec 1032 (2) ZPO against a German group of companies re a declaration of inadmissibility of an ICSID arbitration
  • Representing a German corporation in an ICC arbitration against a Canadian company in a corporate dispute
  • Representing a German company in a DIS arbitration against an Italian company in a post M&A dispute


  • Legal Services and the European Convention on Human Rights: Securing Private Rights and Public Interests (Nomos: Contributions on Comparative and International Public Law, vol. 340, 2025)
  • “Isolated court determinations on the admissibility of arbitration: a case study of the German Federal Court of Justice’s recent decision on intra-EU ICSID proceedings”, Arbitration International 2024, 375-382 (with Prof. Dr. Ben Steinbrück)
  • “Higher Regional Court of Cologne recognises and declares enforceable Swiss arbitral award based on arbitration agreement concluded under apparent authority”, German Arbitration Digest (GAD) 2024, 3
  • “Die Feststellung der Unzulässigkeit von ICSID-Schiedsverfahren nach § 1032 Abs. 2 ZPO”, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2024, 727-735 [discussing the Federal Court of Justice’s ruling applying s 1032 (2) Civil Procedural Code to ICSID arbitration] (with Prof. Dr. Ben Steinbrück and Dr. Maximilian van der Beck)
  • “§ 1032 Abs. 2 ZPO, das ICSID-Übereinkommen und Achmea – eine Kollision oder zwei Kollisionen?”, Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2023, 36-42 [discussing the Berlin Higher Regional Court’s refusal to apply s 1032 (2) Civil Procedural Code to ICSID arbitration] (with Prof. Dr. Ben Steinbrück)
  • “Declaratory relief against post-Achmea ICSID arbitration? German arbitral law’s international reach”, Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (EuZW) 2022, 357-365 (with Prof. Dr. Ben Steinbrück)
  • “Pravosudie v Germanii v uslovijax pandemii COVID-19” [in Russian: “The German justice system in the COVID-19 pandemic”], Žurnal zarubežnogo zakonodatelʹstva i sravnitelʹnogo pravovedenija 2022, 43–46
  • “Fortgeschrittenenklausur: Gemeinde – Staat – Haftung?”, Zeitschrift für das juristische Studium (ZJS) 2020, 462–468 [discussing liability of the state and its employees]
  • “The Impact of Public Law Norms on Private Law Relationships”, European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance 2015, 124–155
  • “Einheit der Prozessrechtswissenschaft? Tagung junger Prozessrechtswissenschaftler am 18./19. September 2015 an der Universität zu Köln”, Rechtswissenschaft (RW) 2015, 478–484 [discussing the similarities and differences between the procedural systems of German civil, criminal and administrative proceedings] (with Wolfram Buchwitz and Suzan Denise Hüttemann)

Education & Engagement

  • Associate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
  • Member of the Law Society of England and Wales
  • Member of the LCIA Users’ Councils
  • Member of the German Arbitration Institute (DIS)
  • Member of the Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA)
  • Member of the International Bar Association (IBA)
  • Member of the German-Russian Jurists’ Association


  • University College London
  • University of Cologne
  • Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
  • German Academic Scholarship Foundation
  • Languages: German, English, French, Russian

Dr. Justin Friedrich Krahé,