Tpirot sza ma 07 hires 002 87 A2146


We assist German and international clients from a wide range of industries (e.g. automotive, chemicals, agricultural technology, pharmaceuticals, consumer goods) in the procurement of materials and raw materials as well as in the sale of products.

SZA Schilling, Zutt & Anschütz helps clients to develop and implement the business and distribution model that is rigt for them and accompanies them in a pragmatic and solution-oriented manner in all legal issues along the entire value chain, grom everyday busniess under civil and commercial law to trend-setting and complex projects for the future.

Service spectrum

  • Advising on the structure, drafting and negotiation of national and international distribution and project agreements (especially regarding purchase, tenancy, rental, services and work performances, franchising and leasing)
  • Advising on the structure, review and adaptation of general terms and conditions (GTC)
  • Advising on all issues of online distribution (e-commerce), including the new digital product law
  • Advising on issues arising from product liability and product safety law
  • Distribution antitrust law, in particular advising on the design and enforcement of selective distribution systems
  • Advising on the law governing sales intermediaries (commercial agents, authorized dealers, commission agents, etc.)
  • Legally compliant handling of special requirements of consumer protection law (especially rights of withdrawal, obligations to provide information)
  • Legal support of projects in plant and equipment construction as well as in the areas of R&D (research and development contracts) and technology transfer
  • Assertion and defense of commercial agent compensation claims (§ 89b German Commercial Code)
  • Enforcement or defense – in and out of court – of warranty claims, claims for damages or other legal claims in the aforementioned areas