Prof. Dr. Ben Steinbrück, MJur (Oxford)
Ben specialises in dispute resolution in complex commercial matters. He acts for parties in litigation and (domestic and international) arbitration and regularly sits as an arbitrator (chairman, sole arbitrator and co-arbitrator).
Substantively, Ben is well-versed in all types of high-stakes commercial disputes, with a particular focus on defending against large-volume securities claims, follow-on antitrust cases and post-M&A, shareholder and other corporate-law disputes. Procedurally, he complements his litigation expertise with experience under numerous arbitral rules, including ICC, DIS, Swiss Rules and VIAC.
Ben is frequently called upon to advise on questions of conflicts of laws and civil procedure, and teaches courses on international arbitration and international commercial law as an honorary professor at the University of Trier, Germany. He also publishes widely on international arbitration, cross-border litigation, conflicts of laws and corporate law.
- Advising and representing the Nike Group in distribution and competition law matters
- Advising and representing Bayer AG in securities litigation matters in connection with the takeover of Monsanto Company
- Advising and representing Volkswagen AG in numerous securities litigation matters in connection with claims for damages of investors concerning alleged violation of publication duties as well as representation in the respective KapMuG proceedings
- Advice and representation in litigation proceedings concerning anti-trust claims, among others for Vossloh Group in connection with the defense against cartel follow-on damage claims of Deutsche Bahn as a consequence of the so-called rail cartel
- Representing an EU state in proceedings under sec 1032 (2) ZPO against a German group of companies re a declaration of inadmissibility of an ICSID arbitration
- Representing a German corporation in an ICC arbitration against a Canadian company in a corporate dispute
- Representing a DAX 40 company in an ICC arbitration against a Swiss company in a commercial dispute
- Representing a German company in a DIS arbitration against an Italian company in a post M&A dispute
- Representing a German-US company in a DIS arbitration against a German company in a post M&A dispute
- Representing an Austrian group of companies in a DIS arbitration against a German company in a post M&A dispute
- Representing minority shareholders in two ad hoc arbitrations against a German group of companies in pooling agreement disputes
- “Isolated court determinations on the admissibility of arbitration: a case study of the German Federal Court of Justice’s recent decision on intra-EU ICSID proceedings”, Arbitration International 2024, 375-382 (with Dr. Justin Friedrich Krahé)
- “Keine Bindungswirkung der abweisenden Entscheidung in einem Aufhebungsverfahren im ausländischen Ursprungsstaat des Schiedsspruchs“, Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2024, 366-373 [discussing the Federal Court of Justice’s ruling that unsuccessful challenge proceedings to a foreign arbitral award have no binding effect on German courts]
- “Die EU-Lieferketten-Richtlinie (CSDDD)“, Monatsschrift für Deutsches Recht (MDR) 2024, 1141-1150 [discussing the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and comparing it to the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act] (with Dr. Sebastian Traub)
- Commentary to §§ 6, 7, 8 Capital Markets Model Case Act, in: beck-online.GROSSKOMMENTAR zum Kapitalanleger-Musterverfahrensgesetz, C.H. Beck (forthcoming)
- Commentary to § 1066 Code of Civil Procedure, in: beck-online.GROSSKOMMENTAR zur Zivilprozessordnung, C.H. Beck (forthcoming)
- “Der Regierungsentwurf zur Reform des Kapitalanleger-Musterverfahrensgesetzes (KapMuG)”, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Bankrecht (WM) 2024, 1059-1067 [discussing the main proposals for reforming the Capital Markets Model Case Act] (with Prof. Dr. Thomas Liebscher and Dr. Marcel Vollmerhausen)
- “Die Feststellung der Unzulässigkeit von ICSID-Schiedsverfahren nach § 1032 Abs. 2 ZPO”, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2024, 727-735 [discussing the Federal Court of Justice’s ruling applying s 1032 (2) Civil Procedural Code to ICSID arbitration] (with Dr. Justin Friedrich Krahé and Dr. Maximilian van der Beck)
- “Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichten: Die besondere Prozessstandschaft nach § 11 LkSG”, Monatsschrift für deutsches Recht (MDR) 2023, 1083–1090 [discussing standing rules under the special representative action according to s 11 German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act] (with Dr. Sebastian Traub)
- “§ 1032 Abs. 2 ZPO, das ICSID-Übereinkommen und Achmea – eine Kollision oder zwei Kollisionen?”, Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2023, 36-42 [discussing the Berlin Higher Regional Court’s refusal to apply s 1032 (2) Civil Procedural Code to ICSID arbitration] (with Dr. Justin Friedrich Krahé)
- Commentary to § 11 German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, Anhang § 11 LkSG (Zivilrechtliche Haftung), in: Gehling/Ott, Gesetz über die unternehmerischen Sorgfaltspflichten in der Lieferkette, Kommentar, Otto Schmidt Verlag, 2022
- “Declaratory relief against post-Achmea ICSID arbitration? German arbitral law’s international reach”, Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (EuZW) 2022, 357-365 (with Dr. Justin Friedrich Krahé)
- Commentary to §§ 15-20 Act on the Protection of Trade Secrets, in: Brammsen/Apel (eds.), Geschäftsgeheimnisgesetz, Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft, dfv Mediengruppe 2022 (with Dr. Raphael Höll)
- “Unzulässige Ersetzung des Vorlagebeschlusses durch Erweiterungsbeschluss nach § 15 KapMuG”, Lindenmaier-Möhring (LMK) 2022, 800926 [discussing a decision by the Federal Court of Justice on the limits of the Higher Regional Courts’ powers in relation to s 15 Capital Markets Model Case Act
- “Grenzüberschreitende Zivilverfahren nach dem Brexit”, Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (EuZW) 2021, 517-524 [discussing cross-border civil proceedings after Brexit in the areas of international jurisdiction, judicial cooperation and the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements] (with Dr. Markus Lieberknecht)
- “Internationales Zivilprozessrecht”, in Heidel/Pauly/Wimmer-Amend (eds.), AnwaltFormulare, 10th. ed., Deutscher Anwaltverlag 2021
- “Betroffener Emittent bei Schadensersatzklagen wegen falscher Kapitalmarktinformation”, Lindenmaier-Möhring (LMK) 2020, 434768 [discussing a decision by the Federal Court of Justice regarding who bears liability in claims under the Capital Markets Model Case Act]
- “Recht der Leistungsstörungen im Lichte der COVID-19-Pandemie”, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2020, 852-865 [discussing breach of contract in light of the COVID-19 pandemic] (with Prof. Dr. Thomas Liebscher and Dr. Stefan Zeyher)
- “Die örtliche Zuständigkeit nach § 32b Abs. 1 Nr. 1 ZPO bei mehreren in Anspruch genommenen Emittenten”, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Bankrecht (WM) 2020, 359-369 [discussing the place of jurisdiction for claims under the Capital Markets Model Case Act] (with Prof. Dr. Thomas Liebscher)
- “International Arbitration in India”, in: Stephan Balthasar (ed.), International Commercial Arbitration, Part 3, Chapter L., 2nd ed. C.H. Beck, Hart Publishing, Nomos 2020
- “Das Problem der Scheinäquivalenzen bei englischsprachigen Verträgen – eine Besprechung von Triebel/Vogenauer, Englisch als Vertragssprache”, GmbH-Rundschau (GmbHR) 2019, R357 – R359
- “Der Gesetzentwurf zur Einführung einer Musterfeststellungsklage”, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2018, 1321-1332 [discussing the draft law on the introduction of a model declaratory action] (with Dr. Michaela Balke and Prof. Dr. Thomas Liebscher)
- “Discovery Light - Informations- und Beweismittelbeschaffung im Rahmen von Kartellschadensersatzklagen”, Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht (NZKart) 2017, 164-175 [discussing the procurement of information and evidence in the context of antitrust damages actions] (with Hans-Joachim Hellmann)
- “Die Einberufung der Gesellschafterversammlung durch zu Unrecht im Handelsregister eingetragene Geschäftsführer”, GmbH-Rundschau (GmbHR) 2017, 497-505 [discussing the Federal Court of Justice’s jurisprudence on shareholders‘ meetings convened by director wrongly entered in the companies register] (with Prof. Dr. Thomas Liebscher)
- “Die Präklusion verspäteter Erweiterungsanträge im Kapitalanleger-Musterverfahren nach § 15 KapMuG”, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2016, 893-898 [discussing the Capital Markets Model Case Act rules on preclusion of late requests to extend proceedings] (with Prof. Dr. Thomas Liebscher)
- “Beendigung eines Beherrschungs- oder Gewinnabführungsvertrags: Zeitliche Begrenzung der Nachhaftung der herrschenden Gesellschaft”, Der Betrieb (DB) 2014, 2950-2951 [discussing a Federal Court of Justice decision on the temporal scope of the controlling company's liability after the termination of a profit and loss transfer agreement] (with Prof. Dr. Thomas Liebscher)
- “Nichtigkeit von Gesellschafterbeschlüssen infolge der Einberufung der Gesellschafterversammlung durch Erben bei Anordnung der Testamentsvollstreckung”, Lindenmaier-Möhring (LMK) 2014, 361985 [discussing the nullity of shareholder resolutions as a result of the convening of the shareholders' meeting by heirs in the event of the execution of a will] (with Prof. Dr. Thomas Liebscher)
- “Der Vertriebsort als Deliktsgerichtsstand für internationale Produkthaftungsklagen”, in: Geimer/Schütze (eds.), Recht ohne Grenzen: Festschrift für Athanassios Kaissis zum 65. Geburtstag, sellier european law publishers 2012, 965-974 [discussing the conflict of laws rules relating to international product liability claims]
- Article “Arbitration law (national)”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law, Oxford University Press 2012, 67-71
- “Formerfordernisse einer mit einem inländischen Verbraucher geschlossenen Schiedsvereinbarung bei Wahl ausländischen Rechts”, Lindenmaier-Möhring (LMK) 2011, 322740 [discussing the formal requirements of an arbitration agreement concluded with a domestic consumer when foreign law is chosen]
- “India – Jurisdiction to Set Aside Foreign Arbitral Awards: Some Remarks on an Erroneous Rule of Law”, Yearbook of Private International Law 2009 Vol. XI, sellier european law publishers 2010, 481-495
- “Orders Compelling Performance of Arbitration Agreements – Lessons to be learnt from U.S. Law?”, Zeitschrift für Schiedsverfahren (SchiedsVZ) 2010, 177-182
- “Internationale Zuständigkeit deutscher Gerichte für selbstständige Beweisverfahren in Schiedssachen”, Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2010, 424-428 [discussing a Higher Regional Court decision on interim relief for the purpose of securing evidence in independent evidence proceedings]
- “Die Prüfung der Missbräuchlichkeit einer Schiedsklausel in Verbraucherverträgen trotz Rechtskraft des Schiedsspruchs” - EuGH, judgment of 6.10.2009, Rs. C-40/08 (Asturcom Telecomunicaciones), Lindenmaier-Möhring (LMK) 2009, 295201 [discussing review of arbitration clauses in consumer contracts despite a binding arbitral award]
- “Englische Prozessführungsverbote zum Schutz von Schiedsvereinbarungen im europäischen Zivilprozess” – EuGH, judgment of 10.2.2009, Rs. C-185/07 (West Tankers), Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht (ZEuP) 2010, 168-185 [discussing an ECJ decision on English injunctions for the protection of arbitration agreements]
- Stichwort “Schiedsrecht, staatliches”, in: Basedow/Hopt/Zimmermann (eds.), Handwörterbuch des Europäischen Privatrechts, Mohr Siebeck 2009, 1353-1358
- “Brussels I and Arbitration: Declaratory Relief as an Antidote to Torpedo Actions under a Reformed Brussels I Regulation”, Zeitschrift für Schiedsverfahren (SchiedsVZ) 2009, 188-196 (with Dr. Martin Illmer)
- “Die Unterstützung ausländischer Schiedsverfahren durch staatliche Gerichte”, Mohr Siebeck 2009, 536 (1. Förderpreis der Deutschen Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit 2010) [The Support of Foreign Arbitration Proceedings by National Courts. A Comparative Study of German, Austrian, English, Swiss, French and U.S. Arbitration Law]
- “US-amerikanische Beweisrechtshilfe für ausländische private Schiedsverfahren”, Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2008, 448-453 [discussing US rules on State courts providing assistance to foreign-seated arbitral tribunals]
- “Die Vollstreckbarkeit ausländischer Schiedssprüche nach ihrer Aufhebung im Ursprungsstaat”, Internationales Handelsrecht (IHR) 2008, 152-157 [discussing the enforceability of foreign arbitral awards after their annulment in the state of origin]
- “U.S. Discovery and Foreign Private Arbitration – The foreign lawyer’s perspective”, Journal of International Arbitration (J. Int. Arb.) 2008, 329-343 (with Dr. Martin Illmer)
- “The Impact of EU Law on Anti-Suit Injunctions in Aid of English Arbitration Proceedings”, Civil Justice Quarterly (CJQ) 2007, 358-375
- “Die Anerkennung und Vollstreckung ausländischer Urteile nach kanadischem Recht”, Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2007, 245-249 [discussing the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements under Canadian law]
- “German and English Court Orders in Support of Foreign Arbitrations”, European Business Organization Law Review (EBOR) 2005, 313-328
Education & Engagement
- Honorary professor at Trier University
- Delegate to the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR
- VIAC Ambassador for Germany (VIAC Community Ambassador Network)
- Member of the Committee on Civil Procedural Law (Ausschuss Zivilverfahrensrecht) of the German Bar Association (DAV)
- Member German Arbitration Institute (DIS)
- Member ASA Swiss Arbitration Association
- Member International Bar Association (IBA)
- Fellow European Law Institute
- Member European Association of Private International Law (EAPIL)
- Member German-American Lawyers' Association (DAJV)
- Member British-German Jurist Association
- University of Cologne
- University of Oxford
- Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg
- Languages: German, English, French
Mannheim | Frankfurt