Dr. Micha Johannes Brechtel
Since his admission to the bar in 2013, Micha has been advising companies on contractual and commercial relationships as well as in transactions and litigation.
One focus of his practice is on contract law as well as commercial and corporate law issues. Since the beginning of his legal practice, he has been continuously involved in the drafting and negotiation of complex commercial contracts for national and international clients. In addition to purchase and supply agreements and service agreements, his expertise extends in particular to storage, transport and logistics agreements.
Due to his experience in dealing with commercial aspects and complex contractual relationships, Micha has also always been active in the transaction business, taking charge of legal due diligence as well as drafting share purchase agreements and ancillary agreements.
In the above-mentioned fields of law, Micha represents our clients in all kinds of disputes and litigation, both in and out of court. In addition to litigation before the ordinary courts, Micha has considerable experience in arbitration proceedings, in which he acts as party representative and arbitrator.
Micha also has expertise in insolvency law from previous practice, which he can draw on in drafting contracts, in the case of distressed M&A transactions and in both judicial and extrajudicial disputes involving insolvency.
He is author of numerous publications and lecturer at the Ruprecht-Karls-University in Heidelberg.
- Advising corporate groups, family-owned businesses and medium-sized companies on the drafting and negotiation of long-term supply and service agreements, including logistics contracts
- Representation of companies and shareholders in litigation and arbitration proceedings with a focus on contract law as well as commercial and corporate law
- Representation of insolvency administrators in enforcing rights against third party debtors as well as of managing directors, board of directors and supervisory board members in defending unjustified claims after insolvency events
- Advising and representing stock corporations in the enforcement of directors' and officers' liability claims against former board members
- Advice to and representation in and out of court of venture capital companies and shareholders with regard to disputes among shareholders
- Support in the national and cross-border formation of companies as well as in company acquisitions and sales (share deal/asset deal)
- Grundsätze der faktischen Geschäftsführung - Theorie und Praxis", GmbHR 2024, 461-469 (together with Julian Weidlich)
- „Das nachvertragliche Wettbewerbsverbot des GmbH-Geschäftsführers bei Insolvenz und Unternehmensstilllegung“, GmbHR 2021, 240 (together with Elias Kehrel)
- Reichert, GmbH & Co. KG, Verlag C.H. Beck 2020, 8. Auflage, darin Kapitel §§ 16, 63 (insb. Geschäftsführung und Vertretung) (Co-Autor)
- "Datenrecht in der Digitalisierung", Hrsg. Specht-Riemenschneider/Werry/Werry, Erich Schmidt Verlag 2020, darin Kapitel § 10 „Datenbestände in Zwangsvollstreckung und Insolvenz“ (together with Simon Apel)
- "Bericht über die Diskussion (Festvorträge 125 Jahre GmbHG)", ZGR 2017, 759
- "Kein Leistungsverweigerungsrecht wegen Insolvenz - Ein Beitrag zur Forderungsbeitreibung im Insolvenzverfahren", ZInsO 2017, 1144
- "Die Hinterlegung wegen Gläubigerunsicherheit (§ 372 S. 2 BGB)", JuS 2017, 495
- "Gestaltung einer von der Satzung und dem gesetzlichen Regelfall abweichenden Gewinnauszahlungsabrede in der Aktiengesellschaft", AG 2016, 801 (together with Stephan Harbarth and Stefan Zeyher)
- "Die Leistung an Erfüllungs statt im Kontext der bargeldlosen Zahlung", WM 2016, 1057
- "Rechtliche Anforderungen an eine pflichtgemäße Compliance-Organisation im Wandel der Zeit", ZIP 2016, 241 (together with Stephan Harbarth)
- "Anmerkungen zu AG Freiburg, Beschl. v. 1.5.2015 - 58 IN 37/15 und Beschl. v. 11.5.2015 - 58 IN 37/15 zur Ablehnung der Eigenverwaltung", ZInsO 2015, 1167 (together with Marc-Philippe Hornung)
- "Die Tilgung von Geldforderungen bei Überweisung, Lastschrift- und Kreditkartenzahlung", Mannheimer Schriften zum Unternehmensrecht, Nomos Verlag 2013
Education & Engagement
- Lecturer at Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Member of Mannheimer Anwaltsverein e.V., Member of Arbeiterwohlfahrt e.V. (AWO), Engagement for SSADH e.V.
- University of Mannheim (Dr. iur.)
- Languages: German, English